Heavy Cavalry is always good to have, and these Mercenaries make very effective additions to your own. Their attack is decent enough, but they also come with a 10 point charge bonus. Chances are, you’ll find one on your first turn.ĭescription: Sarmatian’s are the only Heavy Cavalry Mercenary Unit in the game. Location: You can find these Mercenaries all over Rome and Greece.

At the very worst, they are effective meat shields. They are perfect for engaging an enemy, and having one of your better units flank the enemy from behind. The computer is very likely to try and run its cavalry down the narrow streets. Place a few of them at the front line while taking a city. Hoplites can also be very effective in cities. Hoplites work best against Egypt, Macedonia, and Scythia, as they seem to have the most Mounted Cavalry Units in the game. However, they are the only Phalanx Spearmen Rome can recruit, and can be absolutely deadly to a Chariot charge. You can find a lot of these mercenaries very quickly.ĭescription: My original impulse was to place these guys in B tier, as their effectiveness drops off by late game. Location: You can find these Mercenaries to the far North-East. Keep them out of range of enemy Cavalry, and they can be an excellent addition to your army. Horse Archers can pick off your enemy at a distance, and are not easy to catch. This might be the only Mercenary Unit you could viably make an entire army out of. The most expensive unit in the game.ĭescription: These Mounted Horse Archers are the best Missile Cavalry Unit Rome can recruit. You can place a merchant here to increase your chances of finding these elusive Mercenaries.Ĭost: 4000 Denarii. You can find Resource Nodes on the world map with Elephants on them. Location: Anywhere in Africa, Selucia or Egypt. Additionally, Elephants do poorly in cities and small enclosed areas. Fire Arrows can scare Elephants before they even get close, and can wipe out your entire army if you aren’t careful. They will attack anything in their way when panicked, especially your own troops. Elephants are easily scared, and will berserk if frightened.

Speaking of, all Elephants come with one major drawback. Though this is not recommended for Large Walls, as the oil will run them amok.

What’s more, Elephants can actually knock down Wooden Walls, and bash in gates of cities. As if that wasn’t enough, Elephants are actually Ranged Units as well, and will fire arrows like Missile Cavalry. If your Elephants get the jump on infantry, they will knock them over like bowling pins. When used effectively, these Mercenaries can make all the difference.ĭescription: The most elusive, yet easily the most destructive Mercenary in the game. This Tier is reserved for units that are incredibly useful, but hold some drawbacks.