Do check our other Fallout Tricks, Tips, and Mods. These were all the Fallout 4 Cheats you need to activate in the game.
Military Grade Circuit Board – 00154AD2. 2076 World Series Baseball Bat – ff003687. Preston Garvey – United We Stand – 0084298. Paladin Danse – Know Your Enemy – 008428d. Nick Valentine – Close to Metal – 001e67bd. tlevel – Advance to the indicated experience level. aceatme – Spawn an item or NPC nearby. player.additem – Add an item to your inventory. KillAll – Kill all NPCs in the immediate area. unlock – Unlock selected door / terminal. tgm – God Mode (infinite health, ammo, AP). The Cheats will help you achieve infinite health(god mode) to adding all the items in your inventory you need. Now here you need to insert the cheats(list below) and press enter to activate. Now a dark grey console on the lower half of the game screen will pop up. Bethesda has done no different, simply press the tilde which is just beside the “1” on your keyboard. Really like adding +1 Luck and Gun fu after level 50 – the damage to multiple targets is huge.For most of the game, the Tilde “~” is the standard way to open up the in-game console. Weapons were chosen to balance number of shots in VATS and damage. Be sure to use mods that enhance your AP. This design was produced and fielded in number prior to the Great War of October 23, 2077. This plasma rifle is a lightweight urban warfare weapon created as part of a desire to replace the aging Winchester P94 'Plasma Caster' design. Overseer’s Gaurdian (Mods.308 Receiver, Short Light Barrel, Short Stock, Reflex Sight)Īrmor: Light armor. Gameplay articles: Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Fallout Shelter. To add a weapon to your inventory, open the command console with and type player.additem item code. Recoil Compensated Railway Rifle (Mods: Standard Receiver, Short Barrel, Reflex Sight) This page contains the Item Codes for Weapons in the PC version of Fallout 4. Some stats will be boosted later, but this is the best for starting out. Substitute it out using the recommended “further leveling” perks.
If you want a companion other than Dogmeat, don’t get the lone wanderer perk. This build is not built around any role playing, but to damage output. Favorites for pistols: Deliverer, Kellog’s pistol. Nice thing about this build is if you want to use it for pistols, just substitute “Rifleman” for “Gunslinger”. This means that this build will work best at short, and mid ranges from your targets. Perception would have been nice as it increases the accuracy in VATS, but it can be boosted late game. Luck perks are just too good to overlook, so this build is focused on agility and luck. Priorities were damage, and AP with some damage mitigation. Weapon, perk, and SPECIAL choices reflect that.