Star wars the clone wars captain keeli
Star wars the clone wars captain keeli

star wars the clone wars captain keeli

Grown on the planet Kamino as a clone of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, Keeli wielded dual DC-17 blaster pistols when in combat and sported customized Phase I clone trooper armor which featured dark brown markings.At some point during the Clone Wars, Keeli was present on Ryloth and fought against the Separatist forces that were attempting to capture the planet. Check out my store for more custom Clone Wars figures.Character Biography"Keeli" was the nickname of a clone trooper captain who fought on Ryloth during the Clone Wars. Please handle this Custom with care and use it for display purposes only.Now offering international shipping! This item will be shipped within 1-3 days after purchase. We can do this, General!"- Clone Captain Keeli, speaking to Ima-Gun Di during their final stand on RylothMy figures will make a fine addition to your collection! Crafted to precision using sharpies and Citadel paints, these custom action figures are designed to be as film accurate as possible and are ready for battle.

Star wars the clone wars captain keeli